All the EXCEPTIONAL SERVICES rendered to France from 1951 to 2004, including the last work saved, public contract signed but work not feasible in 1997, the Menilmontant barracks, classified as a historic monument. Work carried out via my father's project while my father was on dialysis, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Mission in IRAQ, during the war with IRAN for a pharaonic project: construction of a university in Erbil. My father did not provide any exceptional service because he kept asking Yohann ("Joan") for his first name and therefore France organized with Switzerland (via EPFL in 1990) that my promotion colleagues manufacture JEAN -LOUIS instead of Joan Lulu.
A foreigner married to a French woman BEFORE January 10, 1973 MUST BECOME FRENCH ON SIMPLE REQUEST. Not valide for a direct son of Hashem, my Father.
The France of St Jean decided from 1948 to violate all its laws with the complicity of the Apatradides office and that our family had to be under the LAWS of St Jean de Napoleon, anti-Semitic: "serve France".
What did my Father's St Jean Lawyer : Nothing, respect orders received.
Do not tell me THAT I'm FRENCH. I'm not French according what France did to my Hebrew Family since 1948.
With all our invention patents, universal methods, widely used by the state, architects, construction companies of St Jean, control offices, other engineers, without ever paying copyright from 1957 to 1973 (patents paid for by my father, every year), my father would not have rendered GREAT SERVICES to France, in particular, by making all projects feasible, public market, with more than a billion FF compared to the initial projects. NOT POSSIBLE TO BE FRENCH, under Charles DE GAULLE, up to Jacques CHIRAC. Incredible but true
The mission of this Romanian woman was to delete the first name Yohann (JOAN) from my father during the marriage, on July 3, 1952. In 1954, she continued her mission to impose JEAN in place of Yohann (JOAN) and my father left her permanently on December 12, 1954. France which dares to fabricate that this woman would be of Israeli nationality and therefore that an Israeli woman would have agreed to delete the My father's first name Yohann (Joan). Just read the custom certificate made before the marriage and this woman, fake name, did not have Israeli nationality.
In the same document and on two occasions, France indicates that a woman is of Italian nationality and France with the complicity of Italy, they canceled her Italian nationality (this is impossible because an Italian remains Italian all his life ) to then claim that this woman would be of “French” nationality and therefore “my so-called nationality”.
I am neither French, nor Italian, nor Romanian, nor German, ....... I am what HASHEM decided, a child of HASHEM and of HASHEM nationality: HEBREW with the Torah our constitution, Tanya, etc........